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கூடலூர் நுகர்வோர் மனித வள சுற்றுச்சுழல் பாதுகாப்பு மையம்

சனி, 26 டிசம்பர், 2009


(G.0. Ms. No. 879, Food and Consumer protection,
dated 30th June 1988)
No. S.R.O. A-158/88.- In exerciseo f the powersc onferred
by sub-section(2 ) of Section3 0 of the ConsumePr rotectionA ct,
1986,( CentraAl ct No. 68 of 1986)r, eadw ith S.O.N o. 390 (E),
publishedi n Part [I - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedl 5th April, 1987a nd S.0.N o. 568(E),
publishedi n Part II - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedt he 1OthJ une 1987,t he Governoro f
Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following Rules :-
1. Short title and commencement.- (l) These Rules may
be calledt he Tamil Nadu ConsumerP rotectionR ules, 1988.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.- In theseR ules,u nlesst,h e contexto therwise
requires -
(a) 56Act" means the Consumer Protection Act, 1986
(Central Act No. 68 of t986) ;
(b) ,,Agent" means a person duly authorised by a party
to present any complaint or appeal or reply on its
behalf before the State Commission or the
District Forum ;
(c) ,oAppellant" means a party which makes an appeal
against the order of the District Forum ;
(d) ,,Memorandum"
means memorandum of appeal
filed by the appellant;
(e) "opposite party" means a person who answers
complaint or claim :
A ,opresident,' means the president of the State
Commission or District Forum as the case may be ;
(g) 'oRespondent" means the person who answers anv
memorandum of appeal ;
(h) o,section" means Section of the Act :
(i) ,.State" means the State of Tamil Nadu ;
(D words and expression used in the Rules and not
defined' but defined in the Act shall have the meanins
respectivelya ssignedto them in the Act.
3. salaries and other ailowancesa nd terms and conditions
or[fT thhee P Preressidideennot tf a tnhde Dmisetmribcte Frso oruf mth seh aDlirsr etrciceti vFeot hruem sa._la ry(ol )f
the Judgeo f a Districtc ourt, if appointedo n whoret ime basiso r
an honorarium of Rs. 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty only)
per day subject to a maximum of 2[Rs. 2,100 (Rupels two
thousand one hundred only)l p.. rnonih, if appointed on part_
I NSouvbesmtrbtuetre, bd19y 9 c1.. o. Ms. No.4l4, co-operationF, ooda nd consumerp rotectiond, ated7 th
2.' SMuabys,t 1it9ut9e3d.b y G o. Ms. No. 344 co-operation,F ood and consumer protection,d ated 7th
time basis. r[The President of a District Forum shall receive
the transfert ravellinga llowancei f hej oins suchD istrict Forum
from out-sidet he District]. 2[Otherm embersi f sitting on whole
time basis,s hallr eceivea consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 2,000
(Rupees two thousand only) per month and if sitting on parttime
basis,a consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 750 (RupeesS even
hundred and fifty only) per month in addition to Rs. 100 (Rupees
one hundred only) per day for the sitting.l 3[The members
residing away from the headquarters shall also receive the
conveyancea llowanceo f Rs. 150( Rupeeso neh undreda nd fifty
only) per month.l
(2) The Presidenat nd the memberso f the District Forum
shallb e entitledf or sucht ravellinga llou,ancea ndd aily allowance
on official tour as are admissible to Grade I Offlcer of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(3) The salary or honorarium as the case may be and other
allowancess hall be defrayedo ut of the ConsolidatedF und of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(4) Before appointmentt,h e Presidenta nd memberso f the
District Forum shall have to take an undertaking that he does not
and will not have any financial or such other interests as is likelv
to affect prejudicially his functions as a member.
(5) In additiont o provisiono f sub-section(2 ) of Sectionl 0
the Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from office, the
President and members of a District Forum who -
(a) has been adjudged as an insolvent, or
Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. ll2, Co-operatioFn,o oda ndC onsumepr rotectiond, ated,27th
May 1996.
Substitutebdy No. SRO.A -178190d, ated2 9thN overnbe1r 990.
Addedb y G.O. Ms. No. 204,C o-operationF,o oda nd Consumepr rotectiond, ated3 0th
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude, or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
actinga s the Presidento r member,o r
@ hasa cquiredfi nancialo r otheri nterestsli kely to
affectp rejudiciallyh is functionsa st he president
or a membet, or
(e) hass oa busedh is positiona st o renderh is continuancei
n officep reludiciatl o thep ublic inrerest:
Providedt hat the Presidento r members hall not
ber emovedf rom his ofliceo n theg rounds pecified
in clauses(d ) and( e)o f thes ub-rule( 5) excepto n
an inquiry heldb y the Goygrnmenot f TanirlN adu
in accordancew ith ru.Ffiro..dure as it may'
specifyi n thisb ehalfa ndf indst he Presidenot r a
member to be guilty on such ground.
'[(5-A) The Governmenot f TamilN adum ay,a frere rr ing a
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove front ottlce. a
membero f a DistrictF orumw ho hasn ot attendedtw o consecutive
sittings of the District Forum without sufficient cause:l
'[(5-B) The Presidenot f the DistrictF orum shallb e liable
for transfer from one District to another District in case of anv
requesbt y him or on AdministrativeG rounds.]
(6) The termsa ndc onditionso f thes erviceo f the President
and the members of the District Forum shall not be r.aried to
their disadvantased urine their tenureo f office.
I Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. l2l Co-operationF, ood and ConsumerP rotectiond aredl .lth
June 1996.
2 Substitutedb y G.O. Ms. No. 152,C o-operationF,o oda ndC onsumerp rotectiond aredl lth
August, 1998.
(7) where any vacancy occurs in the ofiice ofthe president
of the District Forum, the senior-most (in order of appointment)
member of District Forum, hording office for the time being, shall
discharge the functions of the president untir a person apiointed
to fill such vacancy assumes the office of the president of the
District Forum.
(8) when the president of the District Forum is unable to
dischargeth e functionso wing to absencei,lr nesso r any otherc ause,
the senior-mos(ti n ordero f thea ppointmentm) embero f theD istrict
Forum shall discharget he functiins of the presidentu ntir the day
on which the Presidenrte sumesth e chargeo f his functions.
(9) The President or any member ceasing to hold office as
such shall not hold any appointmenitn or be connectedw ith the
managemenot r administrationo f an organisationw hich hasb eent he
subjecto f any proceedingu ndert heA ctduring his tenuref or a period
of 5 yearsf rom the dateo n which he ceasesto hold sucho ffice.
(10) In caseo f differenceo f opiniona mongt he members
of the District Forum, the opinion oi th. majorit! shalr prevail
and the opinionso r orderso f the Forum shall be expressedin
terms of the view of the majority.
(11) (i) The president and the members shalr hord office
for_a term of five years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is
earliera nd shall not be eligiblef or re_appointmen;t
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub_
rule (i) the president or the member may --
' (a) by writing under his hand and addressed
to the Government of Tamil Nadu resign
his office at any time and on such
resignationb eing acceptedh, is office shall
become vacant.
(b) be removed from his office in accordance
with sub-rule (5) of Rule 3.
4' Place of sitting and other matters relating to District
Forum'- (l) The office of District Forum shall be located ar
the headquarteros f the District. where StateG overnmentd ecides
to establisha singleD istrictF orumh avingj urisdictiono verm ore
than one district, it shail Notify the place and jurisdiction of the
District Forum so established.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the Disr.ct
Forum shall be the same as that of the Government orramit xaau
(3) The official seal of the District
Forum shall be as
sear.- The seals ha'have two concentrica rcsb ea'ns thei nscriprionnsa, mely"D ISTRICTC ONSUMEoRt soutii
REDRESSAL F.RUM" and name of the District at the Centre.
(4) Sitting of the District Forum, as and when necessan.
shall be convened by the president.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the Distr^.,iF orum shat be
invalid by reasono nry of the existenceo f any vacancya mongl ts
Presidenot r memberso r any defecti n its constitution.
(6) StateG overnmenst halla ppoints uchs taff,a s ma1.be
necessaryto assistt he DistrictF orumi n its day-to-day* ,ork and
to perform such other functions as are provided und., the nct
and these Rures or assigned to it by the president. The sarary
payable to such staff shail be defrayed out of the consoridated
Fund of the State Govemment.
(7) Where the opposite party admits the allegation made
by the complainantt,h e DistrictF orums halld ecidet lie compraint
on the basis of the merit of the case and .documentsp ..r.n,
before it.
(8) If duringt he proceedingcso nductedu nderS ectionl 3,
the District Forum fixes a date for hearing of the parties, it shail
be obligatory on the complaint and opposite parfy or its authorised
agent to appear before the District Forum on such date of hearing
or any other date to which hearing could be adjourned. Where
the complainanto r his authoriseda gentf ails to appearb efbre the
District Forum on such day, the District Forum may in its
discretione itherd ismisst he complaintf or defaulto r decidei t on
merit. Where the opposite party or its authorised agent fails to
appear on the day of hearing the District Forum may decide the
complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingu nders ub-rule( 8) theD istrictF orum
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at any stage, adjourn the
hearing of the complaint but not more than one adjournment shall
ordinarily be given and the complaint should be decided within 90
days from the date of notice received by the opposite party where
complaint does not require analysis or testing of the goods and
within 150d aysi f it requiresa nalysiso r testingo f the goods.
(10) Orders of the District Forum shall be signed and dated
by the members of the District Forum constituting the Bench
and shall be communicated to the parties free of charges.
5. Procedure to be followed for making complaints before
th'e District Forum / State Commission.- A complaint
containing the following particulars, shall be presented by the
complainant in person or by his authorised agent to the District
Forum/ StateC ommissiono, r be sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the District Forum / State Commission :-
(a) the name,d escriptiona nda ddresso f the complainant;
(b) the name, description and address of the opposite
party or parties, as the case may be, so far as they
can be ascertained;
(c) the facts relating to complaint and when and where
it arose :
@ documenti n supporto f the allegationsc ontainedi n
the complaint ;
(e) the relief which complainanct laims.
Fsaeoncrau6tlimy.o sPn mi(s raloa )y cn deodidfr teueScrseett tch itntoeigco boonmef l 3 tpah ldieafo igncpoaotenondttds o sib dp.y-er o rtuvehinddend e eDet cwrie socst rrssaiecauptrs yaetF rt( arocetr)es u oo amifsm strpluibrcbert-s
of the goods packed in clean dry boitles orjars or other surrable
containersw hich shall be sufficientryt ight to prevent reakage,
evaporationo, r in the caseo f dry rrbriunc" entranceo f moisture.
with a paper slip wrapped and pasted on the container in *.hich
ftahcet suirgenr,af rtoumreo wr thhoumm tbhi em gporoedsss aioreno p f uihrceh paesresdos nh,ta rlal dbee rao frf rmxeadn :u-
Provided that in case the person, or trader or manufacrurer
from whom the goods u.. pur.hured, refuses to affix his sienarure
wori tntheusmss bh-aimll bpere tsaskieonni t,nh eth sei gsnaamteum reao nr ntehru.mU_l_p..rrio'no f u
(2) on receivingt he sampreso f suchg oods,t he Drst.ct
iFnoforurmnia sthioanll: f-i*x lableso n the containersc arryingt he folrour ng
(i) Name and addresso f the appropriatel aborarory
to whom the sample will be sent for analvsis
and test :
(ii) Name and address of the District Forum :
(iii) Case Number ;
(iv) Nature of articles sent for analysis and tesr :
(y) Seal of the District Forum.
(3) The containero f samples hallb e completelyu .rapped
in fairly strong thick paper, the ends of the pup.. shali ue neatry
folded in and affixed by means of gum or adhesive. The paper
cover shall be further secured by means of strong twine or thread
both above and across the container and the twine of thread shall
then be fastened on the paper cover by means of sealing wax on
which theres hall be at leastf our distinct and clear impressionso f
the seal of which one shall be at the top of the packet, one at the
bottom of the packet and the other two on the body of the packet.
Thek notso f thet wine or threads hallb e coveredb y meanso f sealing
wax bearingt he impressionso f the sealo f the District Forum.
(4) One of the sealedc ontainersw ill be retainedb y the
District Forum for future reference and another will be sent to
the appropriatela boratoryb y the District Forum for sendingr eport
within 45 days or within such extended time as may be granted
by the District Forum, after specifying the nature of the defect
allegeda nd dateo f submissiono f the report.
(5) The quantityo f sample,i n caseo f food samples,f or
analysiss hallb e as specifiedu nderR ule 22 of the Preventiono f
Food Adulteration Rules, 1955.
(6) A specimen impression of the seal used to seal the
container of the sample packet will be sent to the appropriate
laboratorys eparatelyb y the District Forum.
(7) The amount of fees for carrying out the analysis of
samples shall be decided in consultation with the concerned
appropriatel aboratory.
7. Salary and other allowances and terms and conditions
of the President and members of the State Commission.-
(1) I[The President of the State Commission shall receive the
salary, allowances and other perquisites as are applicable to a
I Substitutedb y C.O. Ms. No. 408. Co-operation,F ood and ConsumerP rotection,d ated 2nd
p:e:: irdl' [a[lry o t,irl :,l,i: :l ]lTo":i':9-w* hore-btium,ieo,1 .u
:n ,*rrHi HJ l::f t * l
ffi1ffi":r;jl,'";," *;;i;_i*:b as,isr,,u iil...ra\e
onry)p erm onth
norariumo f Rs'3 '0006 up.." irr.i.' ,rrorruno no ,,oum. ;ui 'i,:r:f , ld i:#J:,.".:if lf:ji H:, r ux lru: jjJ,,$jr::'J:'j'"r 'irr'i ...iers sharar rsore cee,r r he
per month.]
uunteo f Rs' 1'000( Rupeeosn et iorruno onr"t
ssions (h2a) lTl bhee pe rliegsibidleef noat, n ,dut Jh em, .ue"m.,rb,enr*os u f ftfhoe*u Snta..t eJC no 0mum,,,i_ fi; i,T:i,f,fX T:IHf f :;; r,i,u rt.o o .J, .I olic,e r o r
(3) The sarary, honorarium, other atowances sha, be
or rhec onsolidaet.*Jo or theG oer rnmeonrr
(4) The president
StateC ommissions hall hold and the members oi rhe
,", :il:,,:';::$n#il*;:J#.lf:;fi i ;n; :
provided that president and members may :_-
(a) Sbyta wterGi tionvge urnnmdeernh rti es shiagnndh a isn odf afidcder re"rsls 1e1dto" , r.,h e
(b) pbreo rveimsioonveso dff rsoumb _hrisu loe(f5 fi)c.e in accordanceu .rrh
No. 408. Co-operationlood and Consumer protecrion.
ca:ec lnd
2 Subsrirutedfo r the words..70y ears,,byN o. S.R.O.A _7g/90d ated3 0th Nla_v1 990
Added by C.O. Ms
September, I992.
(5) The Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from
office Presidento r membero f the StateC ommissionw ho, -
(a) hasb eena djudgeda s an insolvent; or
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude ; or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
acting as President or a member ; or
(d) has acquired such financial or other interest as
is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as
President or a member ; or
(e) has so abused his position as to render his
continuance in office prejudicial to public
interest :
Provided that the President or a member shall not be
removedf rom his office on the grounds pecifiedi n clauses( d) and
(e) and sub-rule (5) except on an inquiry held by the Gov0rnment
of Tamil Nadu in accordancwe ith suchp rocedurea si t may specifl'
in this behalf and finds the President or a member to be euiltv on
such ground.
'[(5-A) The Government of Tamil Nadu may, after giving
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove from office a
member of the State Commission who has not attended two
consecutives ittingso f the StateC ommissionw ithout sufficient
(6) Beforea ppointmentP, residenat ndm emberso f the State
Commissions hall havet o take an undertakinet hat he doesn ot
I Inserted by G.O. Ms. No. l2l, Co-opcration Food and Consumer Protection, dated 24th
June 1996.
taon adfw feilcl tn poret jhuadviceia anryy shuisc fhuf inncatinocnisaa lo sr portehseirdi ennteto re, sut -sa. rsi ;r;s. rike"r'v
(7) The terms and conditions of the service of the president
tahnedir t hdeis madevmabnetargso edf uthrien Sg ttahteeicr otemnmurieso sfi oonfsf ihcea.rr' ot be ra'ed to
sthueb P-rrue(lse8(i )d4 Ee) nvooter r ro ayt nhvyea orcwtahinescermsy ch eaamurs bbeeed. bof iyflr terhedes b Sigyta nfrtaeetc isoohmnaa npmdpis oresinimotmnou re.nandlto e.fr
StdoPoitrrs adefciteslehlriC ad os(orefu9g mnca)etot hmph wfv pe ihtaso fheusciernniae ostcn mnttaaci.enotyaenyn s tcss)ohso ufoum ctlmhhdm eiveni aisstrghcse oaeisofn iofndcifc,eytf ehin oc etcfe, o cs" orrue ifrtn, sh,ti h ioe.ne r t;n i;tpmrhrro"eee;s; s o;rbm"i fd,ef;ieeicrn:ncn;sr.ot .b. f tse -htrt(h haineell
(10) when thep residenot f the Statec omnrissionis .:iirabre
sctotaa udtseisec c,oth hmaemr sgeiestnhs ieioo frnum s nohcsattil mord neissom cwbhieanrr(g git neot h o aerbd fsueenr oncftc iaeoipr,n npsoe" ifs; ,ts;ho *e;r; Da', nre,o,so ir tdthheeenrt
fuunnticl ttihoen ds.ay on which the presidentr esumest he charseo : his
hfbtaohoesrele sda mnu s t pachuhene(cls r ash ilhugoo) a bedfTfljm oilehc nfceee otfon . ptiofv thr raeeo an syldydied mp aaernironnsyctif o ,sear rotepi amadpniio intyoihgn munoe tn emf dd amaeentrbnte ohietn o rergc n o Aea rwcan bthsi,se iidcna cuhgtotri ooihnnn *ehng rehh crciielscdra htre rse dhi,enl, al,su"rr,,_i ro ,ehe r.
iaonnf ttdeh trehm Se(s tor ao2pft)i e ntCrh niooe cnm va oimserew ioos srfs daoioef d nrtisthf,ohf eefe mrt oehpaneiicon cerioioin tmnv oo. mpfi irnsnis.oi omnan a,m hjoourntittg"]t.b ,h n.e .ur ntptr pre.r,nerr.,ba ue,trs
8. Places of sitting and other matters relating to State
Commission.- (1) The office of the State Commission shall be
located at Chennai.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the State
Commission shall be the same as that of the Government of
Tamil Nadu.
(3) The emblem and official seal of the State Government
shall be as follows :-
Emblem.- The State Commission as Head of the
Department shall use the State Emblem in their official letter
heads, namely "single colour black Emblem in full with
designationw ithin two concentrica rcso f two-thirdso f a circle."
Seal.- The seal shall have two concentric arcs of twothirds
of a circle with the inscriptions, namely, "STATE
rvith the State Emblem at the centre.
(4) Sitting of the State Commission, as and when necessary
shall be convened by the President.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the StateC ommissions hall
be invalid by reasonso nly of the existenceo f any vacancya mong
its President or members oI any defect in its constitution thereof.
(6) The Government of Tamil Nadu shall appoint such
staff, a; may be necessaryto assistt he StateC ommissioni n its
work aird to perform such other functions as are provided under
the Act and these Rules or assigned to it by the President. The
salary payable to such staff shall be defrayed out of the
Consolidateti Fund of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(7) Where the opposite party adrnits the allegation made
by the complainant, the State commission shall decide the
complaint on the basis of the merit of the case and documents
presentedb eforei t.
(8) Ifduring the proceedingcso nductedu nderS ection1 3,
StateC ommissionf ixes a datef or hearingo f the parties,i t shall
be obligatory on the complainant and opposite party or his
authorised agent to appear before the State Commission on such
date of hearing or any other date to which hearing could be
adjourned. Where the complainant or his authorised agent fails
to appear before the State Commission on such day, the State
Commission may in its discretion either dismiss the complaint
for defaulto r decidei t on merits.W heret he oppositep artv or its
authorised agent fails to appear on the day of hearing, the State
Commission may decide the complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingsu nders ub-rule( 8) the StateC onimission
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at an-us"t age'o f
the proceedingsa djournt he hearingo f the complaintb ut not more
thano nea djournmenst hallo rdinarilyb e givena ndt he complaint
shall be decided within 90 days from the date of notice receir-ed
by the opposite parfy where the complaint does not requtre anall'sis
or testingo f the goodsa ndw ithin 150d aysi f it requiresa nalvsis
or testing of the goods.
(10) Orderso f the StateC ommissions hallb e signeda nd
datedb y the memberso f the StateC ommissionc onstitutingt he
Bench and shall be communicatedto the partiesf ree of charee'
9. Procedure for hearing appeal.- (1) Memorandunt shall
be presented by the appellant or his authorised agent to the
StateC ommissionin pers'ono r sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the Commission.
(2) Every memorandum filed under sub-rule ( I ) shall be
in legible handwriting preferably typed and shall set-forth
cacoorgnnussemisceeurnytuit vo nerd leyn.rad rirsatitnivcet h aenadd ss,tu hceh g grorounudnsdo sf haapp' ebaerw nituhmoubte arneyd
oacfne dort bsifujieec(cdh3tco i)oo f Epnthmy ae oce dfhn ot tmhcioeuen ommereddoine nrtar sot anh fsd et mhu maemlyD sm bhisoeatr rrlaelic nbqtdueF ui oramercud.ctm oo a mspupppaepnaoilreetg ddabr ogyua ntihndsest
acfaoopocfr pmctleoihm'ram tiilthws( pa4esiatt)i ihn fooWaiinnnech t dbthtea h yoanse nt a t sphh npweee aer ahhipcopiapcipdfslhie ioe sc afadua lilp i ftsinfimp oip cetnirithsete atuesnatp eitAnoc pnincraot ete,ur,rdt saieM eefdtfbs eeo yt mrro t ahn osneora a aet tnfpxifsdpridefiuryafmye tv hor sirtfeh s ipn aeSeg,trt tt iahibonteedeg
memor(a5n)d Tumhte o athpep SettaatneC t sohmam' isssuiobnmf oirt fooffuicri aclo iupripeosr o.sf. the
opaoSaamrfgrputot adaehptcyehtneeee cobtc lef c ilreoadad(ai smei6en arsiex) sottdme O-d otrjp.aoo i hnnsag ui asttrserhhtipn eanoeepe autn dmsemdnt at hae,idotat orre o syi sorat hn, iohfips ah nfasep ie tuilldhe tlaad csbe agreh edi crecnb d iaoinsgdeasbcot fefte rarroet .ieI haigr ,frtt eenashrio e ytt aieohons op eS erp,atpy hi otpftSe aeohnpattrreddaee r etre cata dh xenoyrioe-o sc t tmpn orpmoa mh samwriiusrtsihmetscs iait osech hiusnihds eotso ahhm anirteoop s eetarnhph,ritrs. iaeheit Ienslaeifldrgr
lgCoCerbaooojvmumeencmm odtfi(isi ios7ts ohsn)ifo ei sToon nShnb,oet ,ijau net a tr cespgdtC eipeeotoe cnofmlio rlsda rmeibtnnhteiftgss o i tshnhrhitae ohetlan hl ru nurn edpno i pitdtmnr,e.e e eur sxmi mt,uhc ,eoipetsm rppu Raotolb nlurr ytadnl eo nuol ef:dtm a uacb vmnoueyno o t rf gfi t ntrhtaoheekue t eons Sn tdta tb haotyetefe
ow0pnhp oao nrmytuP aonrtyoiht yveb iored gf e arbdofe futbihnncadgtts e hto hdete aht hrcedeorb rtrheyna brtnnhyi et,sh h sSoaitossaen tbss eehpc eoaenm,c i ngfmioievitdse rus neino srante ti.st srs te dhaeesc pri aosrinoteyn
(8) State Commission may, .on
tfhita ann odn aet aadnjyo sutrangme,ea l_l djournth e hearisnugco hf taeprmpesa als,b iut tm naoyt mthoinrke
should be decidedw ithin g0. doardysin naornil.y,bt re,. g fiivrsetn d aanted o thf eh eaaprpinega.l
fcsroiegnens oetfi dt(cua 9htn)ian drOgg tdr hedae.et Ber edon bf cythh ta ehn eSd tm sahteeamC ilb boeem rcmsoo mifs msthiouenn oS icntaa atteepdtcp o oe tmahlems phiaasrsllt iiboeens

President CCHEP
Cemter for Consumer Humanrights & Environment protection
Pandalur Pandalur (Po & Tk)
The Nilgiris 643 233
(G.0. Ms. No. 879, Food and Consumer protection,
dated 30th June 1988)
No. S.R.O. A-158/88.- In exerciseo f the powersc onferred
by sub-section(2 ) of Section3 0 of the ConsumePr rotectionA ct,
1986,( CentraAl ct No. 68 of 1986)r, eadw ith S.O.N o. 390 (E),
publishedi n Part [I - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedl 5th April, 1987a nd S.0.N o. 568(E),
publishedi n Part II - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedt he 1OthJ une 1987,t he Governoro f
Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following Rules :-
1. Short title and commencement.- (l) These Rules may
be calledt he Tamil Nadu ConsumerP rotectionR ules, 1988.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.- In theseR ules,u nlesst,h e contexto therwise
requires -
(a) 56Act" means the Consumer Protection Act, 1986
(Central Act No. 68 of t986) ;
(b) ,,Agent" means a person duly authorised by a party
to present any complaint or appeal or reply on its
behalf before the State Commission or the
District Forum ;
(c) ,oAppellant" means a party which makes an appeal
against the order of the District Forum ;
(d) ,,Memorandum"
means memorandum of appeal
filed by the appellant;
(e) "opposite party" means a person who answers
complaint or claim :
A ,opresident,' means the president of the State
Commission or District Forum as the case may be ;
(g) 'oRespondent" means the person who answers anv
memorandum of appeal ;
(h) o,section" means Section of the Act :
(i) ,.State" means the State of Tamil Nadu ;
(D words and expression used in the Rules and not
defined' but defined in the Act shall have the meanins
respectivelya ssignedto them in the Act.
3. salaries and other ailowancesa nd terms and conditions
or[fT thhee P Preressidideennot tf a tnhde Dmisetmribcte Frso oruf mth seh aDlirsr etrciceti vFeot hruem sa._la ry(ol )f
the Judgeo f a Districtc ourt, if appointedo n whoret ime basiso r
an honorarium of Rs. 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty only)
per day subject to a maximum of 2[Rs. 2,100 (Rupels two
thousand one hundred only)l p.. rnonih, if appointed on part_
I NSouvbesmtrbtuetre, bd19y 9 c1.. o. Ms. No.4l4, co-operationF, ooda nd consumerp rotectiond, ated7 th
2.' SMuabys,t 1it9ut9e3d.b y G o. Ms. No. 344 co-operation,F ood and consumer protection,d ated 7th
time basis. r[The President of a District Forum shall receive
the transfert ravellinga llowancei f hej oins suchD istrict Forum
from out-sidet he District]. 2[Otherm embersi f sitting on whole
time basis,s hallr eceivea consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 2,000
(Rupees two thousand only) per month and if sitting on parttime
basis,a consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 750 (RupeesS even
hundred and fifty only) per month in addition to Rs. 100 (Rupees
one hundred only) per day for the sitting.l 3[The members
residing away from the headquarters shall also receive the
conveyancea llowanceo f Rs. 150( Rupeeso neh undreda nd fifty
only) per month.l
(2) The Presidenat nd the memberso f the District Forum
shallb e entitledf or sucht ravellinga llou,ancea ndd aily allowance
on official tour as are admissible to Grade I Offlcer of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(3) The salary or honorarium as the case may be and other
allowancess hall be defrayedo ut of the ConsolidatedF und of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(4) Before appointmentt,h e Presidenta nd memberso f the
District Forum shall have to take an undertaking that he does not
and will not have any financial or such other interests as is likelv
to affect prejudicially his functions as a member.
(5) In additiont o provisiono f sub-section(2 ) of Sectionl 0
the Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from office, the
President and members of a District Forum who -
(a) has been adjudged as an insolvent, or
Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. ll2, Co-operatioFn,o oda ndC onsumepr rotectiond, ated,27th
May 1996.
Substitutebdy No. SRO.A -178190d, ated2 9thN overnbe1r 990.
Addedb y G.O. Ms. No. 204,C o-operationF,o oda nd Consumepr rotectiond, ated3 0th
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude, or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
actinga s the Presidento r member,o r
@ hasa cquiredfi nancialo r otheri nterestsli kely to
affectp rejudiciallyh is functionsa st he president
or a membet, or
(e) hass oa busedh is positiona st o renderh is continuancei
n officep reludiciatl o thep ublic inrerest:
Providedt hat the Presidento r members hall not
ber emovedf rom his ofliceo n theg rounds pecified
in clauses(d ) and( e)o f thes ub-rule( 5) excepto n
an inquiry heldb y the Goygrnmenot f TanirlN adu
in accordancew ith ru.Ffiro..dure as it may'
specifyi n thisb ehalfa ndf indst he Presidenot r a
member to be guilty on such ground.
'[(5-A) The Governmenot f TamilN adum ay,a frere rr ing a
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove front ottlce. a
membero f a DistrictF orumw ho hasn ot attendedtw o consecutive
sittings of the District Forum without sufficient cause:l
'[(5-B) The Presidenot f the DistrictF orum shallb e liable
for transfer from one District to another District in case of anv
requesbt y him or on AdministrativeG rounds.]
(6) The termsa ndc onditionso f thes erviceo f the President
and the members of the District Forum shall not be r.aried to
their disadvantased urine their tenureo f office.
I Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. l2l Co-operationF, ood and ConsumerP rotectiond aredl .lth
June 1996.
2 Substitutedb y G.O. Ms. No. 152,C o-operationF,o oda ndC onsumerp rotectiond aredl lth
August, 1998.
(7) where any vacancy occurs in the ofiice ofthe president
of the District Forum, the senior-most (in order of appointment)
member of District Forum, hording office for the time being, shall
discharge the functions of the president untir a person apiointed
to fill such vacancy assumes the office of the president of the
District Forum.
(8) when the president of the District Forum is unable to
dischargeth e functionso wing to absencei,lr nesso r any otherc ause,
the senior-mos(ti n ordero f thea ppointmentm) embero f theD istrict
Forum shall discharget he functiins of the presidentu ntir the day
on which the Presidenrte sumesth e chargeo f his functions.
(9) The President or any member ceasing to hold office as
such shall not hold any appointmenitn or be connectedw ith the
managemenot r administrationo f an organisationw hich hasb eent he
subjecto f any proceedingu ndert heA ctduring his tenuref or a period
of 5 yearsf rom the dateo n which he ceasesto hold sucho ffice.
(10) In caseo f differenceo f opiniona mongt he members
of the District Forum, the opinion oi th. majorit! shalr prevail
and the opinionso r orderso f the Forum shall be expressedin
terms of the view of the majority.
(11) (i) The president and the members shalr hord office
for_a term of five years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is
earliera nd shall not be eligiblef or re_appointmen;t
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub_
rule (i) the president or the member may --
' (a) by writing under his hand and addressed
to the Government of Tamil Nadu resign
his office at any time and on such
resignationb eing acceptedh, is office shall
become vacant.
(b) be removed from his office in accordance
with sub-rule (5) of Rule 3.
4' Place of sitting and other matters relating to District
Forum'- (l) The office of District Forum shall be located ar
the headquarteros f the District. where StateG overnmentd ecides
to establisha singleD istrictF orumh avingj urisdictiono verm ore
than one district, it shail Notify the place and jurisdiction of the
District Forum so established.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the Disr.ct
Forum shall be the same as that of the Government orramit xaau
(3) The official seal of the District
Forum shall be as
sear.- The seals ha'have two concentrica rcsb ea'ns thei nscriprionnsa, mely"D ISTRICTC ONSUMEoRt soutii
REDRESSAL F.RUM" and name of the District at the Centre.
(4) Sitting of the District Forum, as and when necessan.
shall be convened by the president.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the Distr^.,iF orum shat be
invalid by reasono nry of the existenceo f any vacancya mongl ts
Presidenot r memberso r any defecti n its constitution.
(6) StateG overnmenst halla ppoints uchs taff,a s ma1.be
necessaryto assistt he DistrictF orumi n its day-to-day* ,ork and
to perform such other functions as are provided und., the nct
and these Rures or assigned to it by the president. The sarary
payable to such staff shail be defrayed out of the consoridated
Fund of the State Govemment.
(7) Where the opposite party admits the allegation made
by the complainantt,h e DistrictF orums halld ecidet lie compraint
on the basis of the merit of the case and .documentsp ..r.n,
before it.
(8) If duringt he proceedingcso nductedu nderS ectionl 3,
the District Forum fixes a date for hearing of the parties, it shail
be obligatory on the complaint and opposite parfy or its authorised
agent to appear before the District Forum on such date of hearing
or any other date to which hearing could be adjourned. Where
the complainanto r his authoriseda gentf ails to appearb efbre the
District Forum on such day, the District Forum may in its
discretione itherd ismisst he complaintf or defaulto r decidei t on
merit. Where the opposite party or its authorised agent fails to
appear on the day of hearing the District Forum may decide the
complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingu nders ub-rule( 8) theD istrictF orum
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at any stage, adjourn the
hearing of the complaint but not more than one adjournment shall
ordinarily be given and the complaint should be decided within 90
days from the date of notice received by the opposite party where
complaint does not require analysis or testing of the goods and
within 150d aysi f it requiresa nalysiso r testingo f the goods.
(10) Orders of the District Forum shall be signed and dated
by the members of the District Forum constituting the Bench
and shall be communicated to the parties free of charges.
5. Procedure to be followed for making complaints before
th'e District Forum / State Commission.- A complaint
containing the following particulars, shall be presented by the
complainant in person or by his authorised agent to the District
Forum/ StateC ommissiono, r be sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the District Forum / State Commission :-
(a) the name,d escriptiona nda ddresso f the complainant;
(b) the name, description and address of the opposite
party or parties, as the case may be, so far as they
can be ascertained;
(c) the facts relating to complaint and when and where
it arose :
@ documenti n supporto f the allegationsc ontainedi n
the complaint ;
(e) the relief which complainanct laims.
Fsaeoncrau6tlimy.o sPn mi(s raloa )y cn deodidfr teueScrseett tch itntoeigco boonmef l 3 tpah ldieafo igncpoaotenondttds o sib dp.y-er o rtuvehinddend e eDet cwrie socst rrssaiecauptrs yaetF rt( arocetr)es u oo amifsm strpluibrcbert-s
of the goods packed in clean dry boitles orjars or other surrable
containersw hich shall be sufficientryt ight to prevent reakage,
evaporationo, r in the caseo f dry rrbriunc" entranceo f moisture.
with a paper slip wrapped and pasted on the container in *.hich
ftahcet suirgenr,af rtoumreo wr thhoumm tbhi em gporoedsss aioreno p f uihrceh paesresdos nh,ta rlal dbee rao frf rmxeadn :u-
Provided that in case the person, or trader or manufacrurer
from whom the goods u.. pur.hured, refuses to affix his sienarure
wori tntheusmss bh-aimll bpere tsaskieonni t,nh eth sei gsnaamteum reao nr ntehru.mU_l_p..rrio'no f u
(2) on receivingt he sampreso f suchg oods,t he Drst.ct
iFnoforurmnia sthioanll: f-i*x lableso n the containersc arryingt he folrour ng
(i) Name and addresso f the appropriatel aborarory
to whom the sample will be sent for analvsis
and test :
(ii) Name and address of the District Forum :
(iii) Case Number ;
(iv) Nature of articles sent for analysis and tesr :
(y) Seal of the District Forum.
(3) The containero f samples hallb e completelyu .rapped
in fairly strong thick paper, the ends of the pup.. shali ue neatry
folded in and affixed by means of gum or adhesive. The paper
cover shall be further secured by means of strong twine or thread
both above and across the container and the twine of thread shall
then be fastened on the paper cover by means of sealing wax on
which theres hall be at leastf our distinct and clear impressionso f
the seal of which one shall be at the top of the packet, one at the
bottom of the packet and the other two on the body of the packet.
Thek notso f thet wine or threads hallb e coveredb y meanso f sealing
wax bearingt he impressionso f the sealo f the District Forum.
(4) One of the sealedc ontainersw ill be retainedb y the
District Forum for future reference and another will be sent to
the appropriatela boratoryb y the District Forum for sendingr eport
within 45 days or within such extended time as may be granted
by the District Forum, after specifying the nature of the defect
allegeda nd dateo f submissiono f the report.
(5) The quantityo f sample,i n caseo f food samples,f or
analysiss hallb e as specifiedu nderR ule 22 of the Preventiono f
Food Adulteration Rules, 1955.
(6) A specimen impression of the seal used to seal the
container of the sample packet will be sent to the appropriate
laboratorys eparatelyb y the District Forum.
(7) The amount of fees for carrying out the analysis of
samples shall be decided in consultation with the concerned
appropriatel aboratory.
7. Salary and other allowances and terms and conditions
of the President and members of the State Commission.-
(1) I[The President of the State Commission shall receive the
salary, allowances and other perquisites as are applicable to a
I Substitutedb y C.O. Ms. No. 408. Co-operation,F ood and ConsumerP rotection,d ated 2nd
p:e:: irdl' [a[lry o t,irl :,l,i: :l ]lTo":i':9-w* hore-btium,ieo,1 .u
:n ,*rrHi HJ l::f t * l
ffi1ffi":r;jl,'";," *;;i;_i*:b as,isr,,u iil...ra\e
onry)p erm onth
norariumo f Rs'3 '0006 up.." irr.i.' ,rrorruno no ,,oum. ;ui 'i,:r:f , ld i:#J:,.".:if lf:ji H:, r ux lru: jjJ,,$jr::'J:'j'"r 'irr'i ...iers sharar rsore cee,r r he
per month.]
uunteo f Rs' 1'000( Rupeeosn et iorruno onr"t
ssions (h2a) lTl bhee pe rliegsibidleef noat, n ,dut Jh em, .ue"m.,rb,enr*os u f ftfhoe*u Snta..t eJC no 0mum,,,i_ fi; i,T:i,f,fX T:IHf f :;; r,i,u rt.o o .J, .I olic,e r o r
(3) The sarary, honorarium, other atowances sha, be
or rhec onsolidaet.*Jo or theG oer rnmeonrr
(4) The president
StateC ommissions hall hold and the members oi rhe
,", :il:,,:';::$n#il*;:J#.lf:;fi i ;n; :
provided that president and members may :_-
(a) Sbyta wterGi tionvge urnnmdeernh rti es shiagnndh a isn odf afidcder re"rsls 1e1dto" , r.,h e
(b) pbreo rveimsioonveso dff rsoumb _hrisu loe(f5 fi)c.e in accordanceu .rrh
No. 408. Co-operationlood and Consumer protecrion.
ca:ec lnd
2 Subsrirutedfo r the words..70y ears,,byN o. S.R.O.A _7g/90d ated3 0th Nla_v1 990
Added by C.O. Ms
September, I992.
(5) The Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from
office Presidento r membero f the StateC ommissionw ho, -
(a) hasb eena djudgeda s an insolvent; or
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude ; or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
acting as President or a member ; or
(d) has acquired such financial or other interest as
is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as
President or a member ; or
(e) has so abused his position as to render his
continuance in office prejudicial to public
interest :
Provided that the President or a member shall not be
removedf rom his office on the grounds pecifiedi n clauses( d) and
(e) and sub-rule (5) except on an inquiry held by the Gov0rnment
of Tamil Nadu in accordancwe ith suchp rocedurea si t may specifl'
in this behalf and finds the President or a member to be euiltv on
such ground.
'[(5-A) The Government of Tamil Nadu may, after giving
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove from office a
member of the State Commission who has not attended two
consecutives ittingso f the StateC ommissionw ithout sufficient
(6) Beforea ppointmentP, residenat ndm emberso f the State
Commissions hall havet o take an undertakinet hat he doesn ot
I Inserted by G.O. Ms. No. l2l, Co-opcration Food and Consumer Protection, dated 24th
June 1996.
taon adfw feilcl tn poret jhuadviceia anryy shuisc fhuf inncatinocnisaa lo sr portehseirdi ennteto re, sut -sa. rsi ;r;s. rike"r'v
(7) The terms and conditions of the service of the president
tahnedir t hdeis madevmabnetargso edf uthrien Sg ttahteeicr otemnmurieso sfi oonfsf ihcea.rr' ot be ra'ed to
sthueb P-rrue(lse8(i )d4 Ee) nvooter r ro ayt nhvyea orcwtahinescermsy ch eaamurs bbeeed. bof iyflr terhedes b Sigyta nfrtaeetc isoohmnaa npmdpis oresinimotmnou re.nandlto e.fr
StdoPoitrrs adefciteslehlriC ad os(orefu9g mnca)etot hmph wfv pe ihtaso fheusciernniae ostcn mnttaaci.enotyaenyn s tcss)ohso ufoum ctlmhhdm eiveni aisstrghcse oaeisofn iofndcifc,eytf ehin oc etcfe, o cs" orrue ifrtn, sh,ti h ioe.ne r t;n i;tpmrhrro"eee;s; s o;rbm"i fd,ef;ieeicrn:ncn;sr.ot .b. f tse -htrt(h haineell
(10) when thep residenot f the Statec omnrissionis .:iirabre
sctotaa udtseisec c,oth hmaemr sgeiestnhs ieioo frnum s nohcsattil mord neissom cwbhieanrr(g git neot h o aerbd fsueenr oncftc iaeoipr,n npsoe" ifs; ,ts;ho *e;r; Da', nre,o,so ir tdthheeenrt
fuunnticl ttihoen ds.ay on which the presidentr esumest he charseo : his
hfbtaohoesrele sda mnu s t pachuhene(cls r ash ilhugoo) a bedfTfljm oilehc nfceee otfon . ptiofv thr raeeo an syldydied mp aaernironnsyctif o ,sear rotepi amadpniio intyoihgn munoe tn emf dd amaeentrbnte ohietn o rergc n o Aea rwcan bthsi,se iidcna cuhgtotri ooihnnn *ehng rehh crciielscdra htre rse dhi,enl, al,su"rr,,_i ro ,ehe r.
iaonnf ttdeh trehm Se(s tor ao2pft)i e ntCrh niooe cnm va oimserew ioos srfs daoioef d nrtisthf,ohf eefe mrt oehpaneiicon cerioioin tmnv oo. mpfi irnsnis.oi omnan a,m hjoourntittg"]t.b ,h n.e .ur ntptr pre.r,nerr.,ba ue,trs
8. Places of sitting and other matters relating to State
Commission.- (1) The office of the State Commission shall be
located at Chennai.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the State
Commission shall be the same as that of the Government of
Tamil Nadu.
(3) The emblem and official seal of the State Government
shall be as follows :-
Emblem.- The State Commission as Head of the
Department shall use the State Emblem in their official letter
heads, namely "single colour black Emblem in full with
designationw ithin two concentrica rcso f two-thirdso f a circle."
Seal.- The seal shall have two concentric arcs of twothirds
of a circle with the inscriptions, namely, "STATE
rvith the State Emblem at the centre.
(4) Sitting of the State Commission, as and when necessary
shall be convened by the President.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the StateC ommissions hall
be invalid by reasonso nly of the existenceo f any vacancya mong
its President or members oI any defect in its constitution thereof.
(6) The Government of Tamil Nadu shall appoint such
staff, a; may be necessaryto assistt he StateC ommissioni n its
work aird to perform such other functions as are provided under
the Act and these Rules or assigned to it by the President. The
salary payable to such staff shall be defrayed out of the
Consolidateti Fund of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(7) Where the opposite party adrnits the allegation made
by the complainant, the State commission shall decide the
complaint on the basis of the merit of the case and documents
presentedb eforei t.
(8) Ifduring the proceedingcso nductedu nderS ection1 3,
StateC ommissionf ixes a datef or hearingo f the parties,i t shall
be obligatory on the complainant and opposite party or his
authorised agent to appear before the State Commission on such
date of hearing or any other date to which hearing could be
adjourned. Where the complainant or his authorised agent fails
to appear before the State Commission on such day, the State
Commission may in its discretion either dismiss the complaint
for defaulto r decidei t on merits.W heret he oppositep artv or its
authorised agent fails to appear on the day of hearing, the State
Commission may decide the complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingsu nders ub-rule( 8) the StateC onimission
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at an-us"t age'o f
the proceedingsa djournt he hearingo f the complaintb ut not more
thano nea djournmenst hallo rdinarilyb e givena ndt he complaint
shall be decided within 90 days from the date of notice receir-ed
by the opposite parfy where the complaint does not requtre anall'sis
or testingo f the goodsa ndw ithin 150d aysi f it requiresa nalvsis
or testing of the goods.
(10) Orderso f the StateC ommissions hallb e signeda nd
datedb y the memberso f the StateC ommissionc onstitutingt he
Bench and shall be communicatedto the partiesf ree of charee'
9. Procedure for hearing appeal.- (1) Memorandunt shall
be presented by the appellant or his authorised agent to the
StateC ommissionin pers'ono r sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the Commission.
(2) Every memorandum filed under sub-rule ( I ) shall be
in legible handwriting preferably typed and shall set-forth
cacoorgnnussemisceeurnytuit vo nerd leyn.rad rirsatitnivcet h aenadd ss,tu hceh g grorounudnsdo sf haapp' ebaerw nituhmoubte arneyd
oacfne dort bsifujieec(cdh3tco i)oo f Epnthmy ae oce dfhn ot tmhcioeuen ommereddoine nrtar sot anh fsd et mhu maemlyD sm bhisoeatr rrlaelic nbqtdueF ui oramercud.ctm oo a mspupppaepnaoilreetg ddabr ogyua ntihndsest
acfaoopocfr pmctleoihm'ram tiilthws( pa4esiatt)i ihn fooWaiinnnech t dbthtea h yoanse nt a t sphh npweee aer ahhipcopiapcipdfslhie ioe sc afadua lilp i ftsinfimp oip cetnirithsete atuesnatp eitAnoc pnincraot ete,ur,rdt saieM eefdtfbs eeo yt mrro t ahn osneora a aet tnfpxifsdpridefiuryafmye tv hor sirtfeh s ipn aeSeg,trt tt iahibonteedeg
memor(a5n)d Tumhte o athpep SettaatneC t sohmam' isssuiobnmf oirt fooffuicri aclo iupripeosr o.sf. the
opaoSaamrfgrputot adaehptcyehtneeee cobtc lef c ilreoadad(ai smei6en arsiex) sottdme O-d otrjp.aoo i hnnsag ui asttrserhhtipn eanoeepe autn dmsemdnt at hae,idotat orre o syi sorat hn, iohfips ah nfasep ie tuilldhe tlaad csbe agreh edi crecnb d iaoinsgdeasbcot fefte rarroet .ieI haigr ,frtt eenashrio e ytt aieohons op eS erp,atpy hi otpftSe aeohnpattrreddaee r etre cata dh xenoyrioe-o sc t tmpn orpmoa mh samwriiusrtsihmetscs iait osech hiusnihds eotso ahhm anirteoop s eetarnhph,ritrs. iaeheit Ienslaeifldrgr
lgCoCerbaooojvmumeencmm odtfi(isi ios7ts ohsn)ifo ei sToon nShnb,oet ,ijau net a tr cespgdtC eipeeotoe cnofmlio rlsda rmeibtnnhteiftgss o i tshnhrhitae ohetlan hl ru nurn edpno i pitdtmnr,e.e e eur sxmi mt,uhc ,eoipetsm rppu Raotolb nlurr ytadnl eo nuol ef:dtm a uacb vmnoueyno o t rf gfi t ntrhtaoheekue t eons Sn tdta tb haotyetefe
ow0pnhp oao nrmytuP aonrtyoiht yveb iored gf e arbdofe futbihnncadgtts e hto hdete aht hrcedeorb rtrheyna brtnnhyi et,sh h sSoaitossaen tbss eehpc eoaenm,c i ngfmioievitdse rus neino srante ti.st srs te dhaeesc pri aosrinoteyn
(8) State Commission may, .on
tfhita ann odn aet aadnjyo sutrangme,ea l_l djournth e hearisnugco hf taeprmpesa als,b iut tm naoyt mthoinrke
should be decidedw ithin g0. doardysin naornil.y,bt re,. g fiivrsetn d aanted o thf eh eaaprpinega.l
fcsroiegnens oetfi dt(cua 9htn)ian drOgg tdr hedae.et Ber edon bf cythh ta ehn eSd tm sahteeamC ilb boeem rcmsoo mifs msthiouenn oS icntaa atteepdtcp o oe tmahlems phiaasrsllt iiboeens

President CCHEP
Cemter for Consumer Humanrights & Environment protection
Pandalur Pandalur (Po & Tk)
The Nilgiris 643 233
(G.0. Ms. No. 879, Food and Consumer protection,
dated 30th June 1988)
No. S.R.O. A-158/88.- In exerciseo f the powersc onferred
by sub-section(2 ) of Section3 0 of the ConsumePr rotectionA ct,
1986,( CentraAl ct No. 68 of 1986)r, eadw ith S.O.N o. 390 (E),
publishedi n Part [I - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedl 5th April, 1987a nd S.0.N o. 568(E),
publishedi n Part II - Section3 , sub-section(i i) of the Gazetteo f
India, Extraordinaryd, atedt he 1OthJ une 1987,t he Governoro f
Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following Rules :-
1. Short title and commencement.- (l) These Rules may
be calledt he Tamil Nadu ConsumerP rotectionR ules, 1988.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.- In theseR ules,u nlesst,h e contexto therwise
requires -
(a) 56Act" means the Consumer Protection Act, 1986
(Central Act No. 68 of t986) ;
(b) ,,Agent" means a person duly authorised by a party
to present any complaint or appeal or reply on its
behalf before the State Commission or the
District Forum ;
(c) ,oAppellant" means a party which makes an appeal
against the order of the District Forum ;
(d) ,,Memorandum"
means memorandum of appeal
filed by the appellant;
(e) "opposite party" means a person who answers
complaint or claim :
A ,opresident,' means the president of the State
Commission or District Forum as the case may be ;
(g) 'oRespondent" means the person who answers anv
memorandum of appeal ;
(h) o,section" means Section of the Act :
(i) ,.State" means the State of Tamil Nadu ;
(D words and expression used in the Rules and not
defined' but defined in the Act shall have the meanins
respectivelya ssignedto them in the Act.
3. salaries and other ailowancesa nd terms and conditions
or[fT thhee P Preressidideennot tf a tnhde Dmisetmribcte Frso oruf mth seh aDlirsr etrciceti vFeot hruem sa._la ry(ol )f
the Judgeo f a Districtc ourt, if appointedo n whoret ime basiso r
an honorarium of Rs. 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty only)
per day subject to a maximum of 2[Rs. 2,100 (Rupels two
thousand one hundred only)l p.. rnonih, if appointed on part_
I NSouvbesmtrbtuetre, bd19y 9 c1.. o. Ms. No.4l4, co-operationF, ooda nd consumerp rotectiond, ated7 th
2.' SMuabys,t 1it9ut9e3d.b y G o. Ms. No. 344 co-operation,F ood and consumer protection,d ated 7th
time basis. r[The President of a District Forum shall receive
the transfert ravellinga llowancei f hej oins suchD istrict Forum
from out-sidet he District]. 2[Otherm embersi f sitting on whole
time basis,s hallr eceivea consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 2,000
(Rupees two thousand only) per month and if sitting on parttime
basis,a consolidatedh onorariumo f Rs. 750 (RupeesS even
hundred and fifty only) per month in addition to Rs. 100 (Rupees
one hundred only) per day for the sitting.l 3[The members
residing away from the headquarters shall also receive the
conveyancea llowanceo f Rs. 150( Rupeeso neh undreda nd fifty
only) per month.l
(2) The Presidenat nd the memberso f the District Forum
shallb e entitledf or sucht ravellinga llou,ancea ndd aily allowance
on official tour as are admissible to Grade I Offlcer of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(3) The salary or honorarium as the case may be and other
allowancess hall be defrayedo ut of the ConsolidatedF und of the
Government of Tamil Nadu.
(4) Before appointmentt,h e Presidenta nd memberso f the
District Forum shall have to take an undertaking that he does not
and will not have any financial or such other interests as is likelv
to affect prejudicially his functions as a member.
(5) In additiont o provisiono f sub-section(2 ) of Sectionl 0
the Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from office, the
President and members of a District Forum who -
(a) has been adjudged as an insolvent, or
Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. ll2, Co-operatioFn,o oda ndC onsumepr rotectiond, ated,27th
May 1996.
Substitutebdy No. SRO.A -178190d, ated2 9thN overnbe1r 990.
Addedb y G.O. Ms. No. 204,C o-operationF,o oda nd Consumepr rotectiond, ated3 0th
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude, or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
actinga s the Presidento r member,o r
@ hasa cquiredfi nancialo r otheri nterestsli kely to
affectp rejudiciallyh is functionsa st he president
or a membet, or
(e) hass oa busedh is positiona st o renderh is continuancei
n officep reludiciatl o thep ublic inrerest:
Providedt hat the Presidento r members hall not
ber emovedf rom his ofliceo n theg rounds pecified
in clauses(d ) and( e)o f thes ub-rule( 5) excepto n
an inquiry heldb y the Goygrnmenot f TanirlN adu
in accordancew ith ru.Ffiro..dure as it may'
specifyi n thisb ehalfa ndf indst he Presidenot r a
member to be guilty on such ground.
'[(5-A) The Governmenot f TamilN adum ay,a frere rr ing a
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove front ottlce. a
membero f a DistrictF orumw ho hasn ot attendedtw o consecutive
sittings of the District Forum without sufficient cause:l
'[(5-B) The Presidenot f the DistrictF orum shallb e liable
for transfer from one District to another District in case of anv
requesbt y him or on AdministrativeG rounds.]
(6) The termsa ndc onditionso f thes erviceo f the President
and the members of the District Forum shall not be r.aried to
their disadvantased urine their tenureo f office.
I Insertedb y C.O. Ms. No. l2l Co-operationF, ood and ConsumerP rotectiond aredl .lth
June 1996.
2 Substitutedb y G.O. Ms. No. 152,C o-operationF,o oda ndC onsumerp rotectiond aredl lth
August, 1998.
(7) where any vacancy occurs in the ofiice ofthe president
of the District Forum, the senior-most (in order of appointment)
member of District Forum, hording office for the time being, shall
discharge the functions of the president untir a person apiointed
to fill such vacancy assumes the office of the president of the
District Forum.
(8) when the president of the District Forum is unable to
dischargeth e functionso wing to absencei,lr nesso r any otherc ause,
the senior-mos(ti n ordero f thea ppointmentm) embero f theD istrict
Forum shall discharget he functiins of the presidentu ntir the day
on which the Presidenrte sumesth e chargeo f his functions.
(9) The President or any member ceasing to hold office as
such shall not hold any appointmenitn or be connectedw ith the
managemenot r administrationo f an organisationw hich hasb eent he
subjecto f any proceedingu ndert heA ctduring his tenuref or a period
of 5 yearsf rom the dateo n which he ceasesto hold sucho ffice.
(10) In caseo f differenceo f opiniona mongt he members
of the District Forum, the opinion oi th. majorit! shalr prevail
and the opinionso r orderso f the Forum shall be expressedin
terms of the view of the majority.
(11) (i) The president and the members shalr hord office
for_a term of five years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is
earliera nd shall not be eligiblef or re_appointmen;t
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub_
rule (i) the president or the member may --
' (a) by writing under his hand and addressed
to the Government of Tamil Nadu resign
his office at any time and on such
resignationb eing acceptedh, is office shall
become vacant.
(b) be removed from his office in accordance
with sub-rule (5) of Rule 3.
4' Place of sitting and other matters relating to District
Forum'- (l) The office of District Forum shall be located ar
the headquarteros f the District. where StateG overnmentd ecides
to establisha singleD istrictF orumh avingj urisdictiono verm ore
than one district, it shail Notify the place and jurisdiction of the
District Forum so established.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the Disr.ct
Forum shall be the same as that of the Government orramit xaau
(3) The official seal of the District
Forum shall be as
sear.- The seals ha'have two concentrica rcsb ea'ns thei nscriprionnsa, mely"D ISTRICTC ONSUMEoRt soutii
REDRESSAL F.RUM" and name of the District at the Centre.
(4) Sitting of the District Forum, as and when necessan.
shall be convened by the president.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the Distr^.,iF orum shat be
invalid by reasono nry of the existenceo f any vacancya mongl ts
Presidenot r memberso r any defecti n its constitution.
(6) StateG overnmenst halla ppoints uchs taff,a s ma1.be
necessaryto assistt he DistrictF orumi n its day-to-day* ,ork and
to perform such other functions as are provided und., the nct
and these Rures or assigned to it by the president. The sarary
payable to such staff shail be defrayed out of the consoridated
Fund of the State Govemment.
(7) Where the opposite party admits the allegation made
by the complainantt,h e DistrictF orums halld ecidet lie compraint
on the basis of the merit of the case and .documentsp ..r.n,
before it.
(8) If duringt he proceedingcso nductedu nderS ectionl 3,
the District Forum fixes a date for hearing of the parties, it shail
be obligatory on the complaint and opposite parfy or its authorised
agent to appear before the District Forum on such date of hearing
or any other date to which hearing could be adjourned. Where
the complainanto r his authoriseda gentf ails to appearb efbre the
District Forum on such day, the District Forum may in its
discretione itherd ismisst he complaintf or defaulto r decidei t on
merit. Where the opposite party or its authorised agent fails to
appear on the day of hearing the District Forum may decide the
complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingu nders ub-rule( 8) theD istrictF orum
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at any stage, adjourn the
hearing of the complaint but not more than one adjournment shall
ordinarily be given and the complaint should be decided within 90
days from the date of notice received by the opposite party where
complaint does not require analysis or testing of the goods and
within 150d aysi f it requiresa nalysiso r testingo f the goods.
(10) Orders of the District Forum shall be signed and dated
by the members of the District Forum constituting the Bench
and shall be communicated to the parties free of charges.
5. Procedure to be followed for making complaints before
th'e District Forum / State Commission.- A complaint
containing the following particulars, shall be presented by the
complainant in person or by his authorised agent to the District
Forum/ StateC ommissiono, r be sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the District Forum / State Commission :-
(a) the name,d escriptiona nda ddresso f the complainant;
(b) the name, description and address of the opposite
party or parties, as the case may be, so far as they
can be ascertained;
(c) the facts relating to complaint and when and where
it arose :
@ documenti n supporto f the allegationsc ontainedi n
the complaint ;
(e) the relief which complainanct laims.
Fsaeoncrau6tlimy.o sPn mi(s raloa )y cn deodidfr teueScrseett tch itntoeigco boonmef l 3 tpah ldieafo igncpoaotenondttds o sib dp.y-er o rtuvehinddend e eDet cwrie socst rrssaiecauptrs yaetF rt( arocetr)es u oo amifsm strpluibrcbert-s
of the goods packed in clean dry boitles orjars or other surrable
containersw hich shall be sufficientryt ight to prevent reakage,
evaporationo, r in the caseo f dry rrbriunc" entranceo f moisture.
with a paper slip wrapped and pasted on the container in *.hich
ftahcet suirgenr,af rtoumreo wr thhoumm tbhi em gporoedsss aioreno p f uihrceh paesresdos nh,ta rlal dbee rao frf rmxeadn :u-
Provided that in case the person, or trader or manufacrurer
from whom the goods u.. pur.hured, refuses to affix his sienarure
wori tntheusmss bh-aimll bpere tsaskieonni t,nh eth sei gsnaamteum reao nr ntehru.mU_l_p..rrio'no f u
(2) on receivingt he sampreso f suchg oods,t he Drst.ct
iFnoforurmnia sthioanll: f-i*x lableso n the containersc arryingt he folrour ng
(i) Name and addresso f the appropriatel aborarory
to whom the sample will be sent for analvsis
and test :
(ii) Name and address of the District Forum :
(iii) Case Number ;
(iv) Nature of articles sent for analysis and tesr :
(y) Seal of the District Forum.
(3) The containero f samples hallb e completelyu .rapped
in fairly strong thick paper, the ends of the pup.. shali ue neatry
folded in and affixed by means of gum or adhesive. The paper
cover shall be further secured by means of strong twine or thread
both above and across the container and the twine of thread shall
then be fastened on the paper cover by means of sealing wax on
which theres hall be at leastf our distinct and clear impressionso f
the seal of which one shall be at the top of the packet, one at the
bottom of the packet and the other two on the body of the packet.
Thek notso f thet wine or threads hallb e coveredb y meanso f sealing
wax bearingt he impressionso f the sealo f the District Forum.
(4) One of the sealedc ontainersw ill be retainedb y the
District Forum for future reference and another will be sent to
the appropriatela boratoryb y the District Forum for sendingr eport
within 45 days or within such extended time as may be granted
by the District Forum, after specifying the nature of the defect
allegeda nd dateo f submissiono f the report.
(5) The quantityo f sample,i n caseo f food samples,f or
analysiss hallb e as specifiedu nderR ule 22 of the Preventiono f
Food Adulteration Rules, 1955.
(6) A specimen impression of the seal used to seal the
container of the sample packet will be sent to the appropriate
laboratorys eparatelyb y the District Forum.
(7) The amount of fees for carrying out the analysis of
samples shall be decided in consultation with the concerned
appropriatel aboratory.
7. Salary and other allowances and terms and conditions
of the President and members of the State Commission.-
(1) I[The President of the State Commission shall receive the
salary, allowances and other perquisites as are applicable to a
I Substitutedb y C.O. Ms. No. 408. Co-operation,F ood and ConsumerP rotection,d ated 2nd
p:e:: irdl' [a[lry o t,irl :,l,i: :l ]lTo":i':9-w* hore-btium,ieo,1 .u
:n ,*rrHi HJ l::f t * l
ffi1ffi":r;jl,'";," *;;i;_i*:b as,isr,,u iil...ra\e
onry)p erm onth
norariumo f Rs'3 '0006 up.." irr.i.' ,rrorruno no ,,oum. ;ui 'i,:r:f , ld i:#J:,.".:if lf:ji H:, r ux lru: jjJ,,$jr::'J:'j'"r 'irr'i ...iers sharar rsore cee,r r he
per month.]
uunteo f Rs' 1'000( Rupeeosn et iorruno onr"t
ssions (h2a) lTl bhee pe rliegsibidleef noat, n ,dut Jh em, .ue"m.,rb,enr*os u f ftfhoe*u Snta..t eJC no 0mum,,,i_ fi; i,T:i,f,fX T:IHf f :;; r,i,u rt.o o .J, .I olic,e r o r
(3) The sarary, honorarium, other atowances sha, be
or rhec onsolidaet.*Jo or theG oer rnmeonrr
(4) The president
StateC ommissions hall hold and the members oi rhe
,", :il:,,:';::$n#il*;:J#.lf:;fi i ;n; :
provided that president and members may :_-
(a) Sbyta wterGi tionvge urnnmdeernh rti es shiagnndh a isn odf afidcder re"rsls 1e1dto" , r.,h e
(b) pbreo rveimsioonveso dff rsoumb _hrisu loe(f5 fi)c.e in accordanceu .rrh
No. 408. Co-operationlood and Consumer protecrion.
ca:ec lnd
2 Subsrirutedfo r the words..70y ears,,byN o. S.R.O.A _7g/90d ated3 0th Nla_v1 990
Added by C.O. Ms
September, I992.
(5) The Government of Tamil Nadu may remove from
office Presidento r membero f the StateC ommissionw ho, -
(a) hasb eena djudgeda s an insolvent; or
(b) has been convicted of an offence which in the
opinion of the Government of Tamil Nadu
involves moral turpitude ; or
(c) hasb ecomep hysicallyo r mentallyi ncapableo f
acting as President or a member ; or
(d) has acquired such financial or other interest as
is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as
President or a member ; or
(e) has so abused his position as to render his
continuance in office prejudicial to public
interest :
Provided that the President or a member shall not be
removedf rom his office on the grounds pecifiedi n clauses( d) and
(e) and sub-rule (5) except on an inquiry held by the Gov0rnment
of Tamil Nadu in accordancwe ith suchp rocedurea si t may specifl'
in this behalf and finds the President or a member to be euiltv on
such ground.
'[(5-A) The Government of Tamil Nadu may, after giving
reasonableo pportunity of being heard,r emove from office a
member of the State Commission who has not attended two
consecutives ittingso f the StateC ommissionw ithout sufficient
(6) Beforea ppointmentP, residenat ndm emberso f the State
Commissions hall havet o take an undertakinet hat he doesn ot
I Inserted by G.O. Ms. No. l2l, Co-opcration Food and Consumer Protection, dated 24th
June 1996.
taon adfw feilcl tn poret jhuadviceia anryy shuisc fhuf inncatinocnisaa lo sr portehseirdi ennteto re, sut -sa. rsi ;r;s. rike"r'v
(7) The terms and conditions of the service of the president
tahnedir t hdeis madevmabnetargso edf uthrien Sg ttahteeicr otemnmurieso sfi oonfsf ihcea.rr' ot be ra'ed to
sthueb P-rrue(lse8(i )d4 Ee) nvooter r ro ayt nhvyea orcwtahinescermsy ch eaamurs bbeeed. bof iyflr terhedes b Sigyta nfrtaeetc isoohmnaa npmdpis oresinimotmnou re.nandlto e.fr
StdoPoitrrs adefciteslehlriC ad os(orefu9g mnca)etot hmph wfv pe ihtaso fheusciernniae ostcn mnttaaci.enotyaenyn s tcss)ohso ufoum ctlmhhdm eiveni aisstrghcse oaeisofn iofndcifc,eytf ehin oc etcfe, o cs" orrue ifrtn, sh,ti h ioe.ne r t;n i;tpmrhrro"eee;s; s o;rbm"i fd,ef;ieeicrn:ncn;sr.ot .b. f tse -htrt(h haineell
(10) when thep residenot f the Statec omnrissionis .:iirabre
sctotaa udtseisec c,oth hmaemr sgeiestnhs ieioo frnum s nohcsattil mord neissom cwbhieanrr(g git neot h o aerbd fsueenr oncftc iaeoipr,n npsoe" ifs; ,ts;ho *e;r; Da', nre,o,so ir tdthheeenrt
fuunnticl ttihoen ds.ay on which the presidentr esumest he charseo : his
hfbtaohoesrele sda mnu s t pachuhene(cls r ash ilhugoo) a bedfTfljm oilehc nfceee otfon . ptiofv thr raeeo an syldydied mp aaernironnsyctif o ,sear rotepi amadpniio intyoihgn munoe tn emf dd amaeentrbnte ohietn o rergc n o Aea rwcan bthsi,se iidcna cuhgtotri ooihnnn *ehng rehh crciielscdra htre rse dhi,enl, al,su"rr,,_i ro ,ehe r.
iaonnf ttdeh trehm Se(s tor ao2pft)i e ntCrh niooe cnm va oimserew ioos srfs daoioef d nrtisthf,ohf eefe mrt oehpaneiicon cerioioin tmnv oo. mpfi irnsnis.oi omnan a,m hjoourntittg"]t.b ,h n.e .ur ntptr pre.r,nerr.,ba ue,trs
8. Places of sitting and other matters relating to State
Commission.- (1) The office of the State Commission shall be
located at Chennai.
(2) The working days and the office hours of the State
Commission shall be the same as that of the Government of
Tamil Nadu.
(3) The emblem and official seal of the State Government
shall be as follows :-
Emblem.- The State Commission as Head of the
Department shall use the State Emblem in their official letter
heads, namely "single colour black Emblem in full with
designationw ithin two concentrica rcso f two-thirdso f a circle."
Seal.- The seal shall have two concentric arcs of twothirds
of a circle with the inscriptions, namely, "STATE
rvith the State Emblem at the centre.
(4) Sitting of the State Commission, as and when necessary
shall be convened by the President.
(5) No act or proceedingso f the StateC ommissions hall
be invalid by reasonso nly of the existenceo f any vacancya mong
its President or members oI any defect in its constitution thereof.
(6) The Government of Tamil Nadu shall appoint such
staff, a; may be necessaryto assistt he StateC ommissioni n its
work aird to perform such other functions as are provided under
the Act and these Rules or assigned to it by the President. The
salary payable to such staff shall be defrayed out of the
Consolidateti Fund of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(7) Where the opposite party adrnits the allegation made
by the complainant, the State commission shall decide the
complaint on the basis of the merit of the case and documents
presentedb eforei t.
(8) Ifduring the proceedingcso nductedu nderS ection1 3,
StateC ommissionf ixes a datef or hearingo f the parties,i t shall
be obligatory on the complainant and opposite party or his
authorised agent to appear before the State Commission on such
date of hearing or any other date to which hearing could be
adjourned. Where the complainant or his authorised agent fails
to appear before the State Commission on such day, the State
Commission may in its discretion either dismiss the complaint
for defaulto r decidei t on merits.W heret he oppositep artv or its
authorised agent fails to appear on the day of hearing, the State
Commission may decide the complaint ex-parte.
(9) While proceedingsu nders ub-rule( 8) the StateC onimission
may, on such terms as it may think fit and at an-us"t age'o f
the proceedingsa djournt he hearingo f the complaintb ut not more
thano nea djournmenst hallo rdinarilyb e givena ndt he complaint
shall be decided within 90 days from the date of notice receir-ed
by the opposite parfy where the complaint does not requtre anall'sis
or testingo f the goodsa ndw ithin 150d aysi f it requiresa nalvsis
or testing of the goods.
(10) Orderso f the StateC ommissions hallb e signeda nd
datedb y the memberso f the StateC ommissionc onstitutingt he
Bench and shall be communicatedto the partiesf ree of charee'
9. Procedure for hearing appeal.- (1) Memorandunt shall
be presented by the appellant or his authorised agent to the
StateC ommissionin pers'ono r sentb y registeredp ost addressed
to the Commission.
(2) Every memorandum filed under sub-rule ( I ) shall be
in legible handwriting preferably typed and shall set-forth
cacoorgnnussemisceeurnytuit vo nerd leyn.rad rirsatitnivcet h aenadd ss,tu hceh g grorounudnsdo sf haapp' ebaerw nituhmoubte arneyd
oacfne dort bsifujieec(cdh3tco i)oo f Epnthmy ae oce dfhn ot tmhcioeuen ommereddoine nrtar sot anh fsd et mhu maemlyD sm bhisoeatr rrlaelic nbqtdueF ui oramercud.ctm oo a mspupppaepnaoilreetg ddabr ogyua ntihndsest
acfaoopocfr pmctleoihm'ram tiilthws( pa4esiatt)i ihn fooWaiinnnech t dbthtea h yoanse nt a t sphh npweee aer ahhipcopiapcipdfslhie ioe sc afadua lilp i ftsinfimp oip cetnirithsete atuesnatp eitAnoc pnincraot ete,ur,rdt saieM eefdtfbs eeo yt mrro t ahn osneora a aet tnfpxifsdpridefiuryafmye tv hor sirtfeh s ipn aeSeg,trt tt iahibonteedeg
memor(a5n)d Tumhte o athpep SettaatneC t sohmam' isssuiobnmf oirt fooffuicri aclo iupripeosr o.sf. the
opaoSaamrfgrputot adaehptcyehtneeee cobtc lef c ilreoadad(ai smei6en arsiex) sottdme O-d otrjp.aoo i hnnsag ui asttrserhhtipn eanoeepe autn dmsemdnt at hae,idotat orre o syi sorat hn, iohfips ah nfasep ie tuilldhe tlaad csbe agreh edi crecnb d iaoinsgdeasbcot fefte rarroet .ieI haigr ,frtt eenashrio e ytt aieohons op eS erp,atpy hi otpftSe aeohnpattrreddaee r etre cata dh xenoyrioe-o sc t tmpn orpmoa mh samwriiusrtsihmetscs iait osech hiusnihds eotso ahhm anirteoop s eetarnhph,ritrs. iaeheit Ienslaeifldrgr
lgCoCerbaooojvmumeencmm odtfi(isi ios7ts ohsn)ifo ei sToon nShnb,oet ,ijau net a tr cespgdtC eipeeotoe cnofmlio rlsda rmeibtnnhteiftgss o i tshnhrhitae ohetlan hl ru nurn edpno i pitdtmnr,e.e e eur sxmi mt,uhc ,eoipetsm rppu Raotolb nlurr ytadnl eo nuol ef:dtm a uacb vmnoueyno o t rf gfi t ntrhtaoheekue t eons Sn tdta tb haotyetefe
ow0pnhp oao nrmytuP aonrtyoiht yveb iored gf e arbdofe futbihnncadgtts e hto hdete aht hrcedeorb rtrheyna brtnnhyi et,sh h sSoaitossaen tbss eehpc eoaenm,c i ngfmioievitdse rus neino srante ti.st srs te dhaeesc pri aosrinoteyn
(8) State Commission may, .on
tfhita ann odn aet aadnjyo sutrangme,ea l_l djournth e hearisnugco hf taeprmpesa als,b iut tm naoyt mthoinrke
should be decidedw ithin g0. doardysin naornil.y,bt re,. g fiivrsetn d aanted o thf eh eaaprpinega.l
fcsroiegnens oetfi dt(cua 9htn)ian drOgg tdr hedae.et Ber edon bf cythh ta ehn eSd tm sahteeamC ilb boeem rcmsoo mifs msthiouenn oS icntaa atteepdtcp o oe tmahlems phiaasrsllt iiboeens

President CCHEP
Cemter for Consumer Humanrights & Environment protection
Pandalur Pandalur (Po & Tk)
The Nilgiris 643 233

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